Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1.3 - Written Analysis

1.3 - Written Analysis

Q Please answer the following Critical Review Questions from Chapter One of your textbook: 1. Should leadership be the manager's job, or should leadership be a shared process? Explain your answer. 2. Are you interested in sharing leadership, or do you prefer to be a follower? Explain your answer. 3. Can college students really develop their leadership skills through a college course or courses? Why or why not? 4. Is leadership ability universal, or is a good leader in one environment also effective in another? For example, can a leader in one industry (e.g., a hospital) be successful in another industry (e.g., a bank)? Or can an effective leader in one country also be an effective leader in another country? Explain your answer. Your answer should be a minimum of two full pages of analysis.

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Leadership should be the manager’s job because he/she is the sole leader and give the group direction and a task that they should accomplish. Assigning one person to take the lead in a position give the unity structure. Reason being if one person is not assigned to take charge and lead you would more than likely get a lot of confusion and chaos amongst the group that will lead to failure as a whole. Now with that being said leadership should be the manager’s job, but to have the most productive and effective outcome you should also share your leadership skills amongst coworkers sometimes giving them a leadership role here and there to make them better.